Monday, January 29, 2024

Aled Lewis: An Artist Who Works With Digital Pastiche

Below are a few examples of the work of Aled Lewis who uses digital college just as you are doing in class.  He does a lot of other types of work, as well, but nearly all of the make humorous pop culture references.  Check out his website:

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Images for Class, January 24

Download the full resolution version of each image below into the "Downloads" folder in your "Assignment 1" folder:

Monday, January 22, 2024

Assignment #1 (February 5)

5 Digital Collage Images
  • Search the Internet for LARGE digital images that you would like to cut and paste into a pastiche collage.
  • Each collage should have some sort of background (either an image, a pattern, or a solid color) onto which you have pasted elements from other images in order to create a unique and multi-layered composition.
  • Make use of the various tools, layers, filters, and color adjustment techniques we will cover in class.

Posting your work and commenting on the work of others:
  • The finished images (in .jpg format) should be uploaded to your blog BEFORE 9:00 PM SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4.  
  • Write some comments in your post about the assignment and your thoughts on each image you made.
  • Then, AFTER 9:00 PM SUNDAY NIGHT, log into Blogger, go to each of your peers' blogs, check out their images, and leave a comment about their work.  
    • What have they done well?
    • What might they have done differently?
    • Do you see issues that you dealt with in your own work?
    • Do you have suggestions that could help them?  etc.  
    • If you have obligations that interfere with this schedule, let me know IN ADVANCE so that we can make alternative plans.
  • ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, we will critique the work in-class.  Come prepared to talk about the work and to offer constructive criticism.
Rubber Ducky, you're the download!

Click "read more" below for examples from past students:

Sunday, January 14, 2024

About Me

Since I am asking all of you to share some information about yourselves on your blog, I figured it would only be fair that I share a little as well.

My name is Jason Cole.  I attended Bethel (College) back in the 1990s, graduating with a student-initiated major combining Art and Literature.  I then moved to Memphis, TN, and worked for Youth Villages for several years.  I earned my MFA in 2008 from Memphis College of Art and proceeded to teach as an adjunct instructor at a number of colleges and universities until I learned that Bethel University had instituted an art major and needed to hire a faculty member with an MFA!  I immediately applied for the position and was fortunate enough to be hired 2011.

In 2004, I was married to the love of my life, Megan:

After nearly 20 years, a lot more gray at my temples and in my beard, considerably longer hair on my head, and one late-arrival daughter, our family looks a bit different:

Our daughter, Augustana, is almost 8 years old and a bundle of energy.  She is obsessed with The Nightmare Before Christmas and unicorns.  She also never stops talking.  Never. Ever.

When it comes to art, I dabble in a little of it all: painting, drawing, photography, digital, and video.  If you are curious about my work, My website is  Of particular relevance to this class would be my album of digital art.

I am looking forward to an interesting semester filled with unique work from all of you!  Here we go!

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Downloading & Installing GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) Software

GIMP is the software we will be using in this class.  It is a free, open-source program that is extremely similar to Photoshop in terms of interface, sophistication of the tools, and layering.  It has been installed on the computers in this computer lab as well as the computer lab in DFAB 129B, but you may find that it helps you to have it installed on your personal laptop or desktop computer.  It is available on both Windows and Mac. If you are using a Chromebook, you will need the Linux version. There is no mobile version. If you wish to download and install the software, follow the directions below.

Course Syllabus

ART 206 – Intro To Computer Art – 3 Semester Hours

Spring 2022

MWF 1:00-1:50 PM, DFAB 103

Bethel University

Instructor:  Jason Cole

Office Hours:            

MWF: 10am-12pm; T: 11am-1pm; R: 12-2pm.[1]

Office Location: DFAB 113

Office Phone: 731.352.4082


Class Blog