Sunday, January 14, 2024

About Me

Since I am asking all of you to share some information about yourselves on your blog, I figured it would only be fair that I share a little as well.

My name is Jason Cole.  I attended Bethel (College) back in the 1990s, graduating with a student-initiated major combining Art and Literature.  I then moved to Memphis, TN, and worked for Youth Villages for several years.  I earned my MFA in 2008 from Memphis College of Art and proceeded to teach as an adjunct instructor at a number of colleges and universities until I learned that Bethel University had instituted an art major and needed to hire a faculty member with an MFA!  I immediately applied for the position and was fortunate enough to be hired 2011.

In 2004, I was married to the love of my life, Megan:

After nearly 20 years, a lot more gray at my temples and in my beard, considerably longer hair on my head, and one late-arrival daughter, our family looks a bit different:

Our daughter, Augustana, is almost 8 years old and a bundle of energy.  She is obsessed with The Nightmare Before Christmas and unicorns.  She also never stops talking.  Never. Ever.

When it comes to art, I dabble in a little of it all: painting, drawing, photography, digital, and video.  If you are curious about my work, My website is  Of particular relevance to this class would be my album of digital art.

I am looking forward to an interesting semester filled with unique work from all of you!  Here we go!

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